Thursday, May 8, 2008


As some of you may or may not know, I am a big Tom Hanks fan. From Big to Cast Away to Forrest Gump ("I musta drank me about 15 Dr Peppers") to, yes, even Turner and Hooch, I've always appreciated his films and think he's a pretty classy guy to boot.

So imagine my pleasant surprise when my roommate and I found Mr. Hank's MySpace profile at the beginning of the year! Hailed as "'The MySpace page created and updated by, yes, Tom Hanks and/or his crack staff of Professional Show Business Experts!'", this profile is the real deal. So that fine day in January I hopefully clicked on "add to friends," wishing that Tom Hanks would accept me into his virtual network.

A month later, my still-pending request expired. Slightly dejected, I tried again. A month later, I tried again.

I signed on to MySpace last night and discovered I had a new friend. Tom Hanks is now in my Top 12.

Thanks, T.Hanks.



Anonymous said...

Soon enough both Kurt Cobain and Elvis will have their real MySpace identities discovered, revealing that they are alive and well. Thanks MySpace!!!

Caitlin said...

what a brilliant picture.