Friday, May 16, 2008

Street Fests: All Exciting at First

To paraphrase the late-great Mitch Hedburg, “Street festivals are like pancakes; all exciting at first, but by the end you’re fucking sick of ‘em.”

It’s true. You see all these festival listings lining up for every weekend deep into August, and you think about how great it will be to hang around outside. You look forward to not paying the “optional” cover charge, grabbing a drink, eating something off of a cob or a stick and just CHILLING. It never ends up that way. After a few, you come to realize that beer lines (and beer tickets) suck, hoards of people suck, and usually the bands suck.

So, here’s some fests coming up that I would ACTUALLY recommend going to:

-Brian Howe Battle


Tankboy said...

Um, Hideout's block party is over 3 years old...

Brian said...

My bad! Thanks for the heads-up Jim!